Looking for job in SiteScope. There are very few people in the market who knows SiteScope and the demand for the resource is very high. Learning the interview questions will help you crack the interview.
Go through all SiteScope Tutorials by sitting for half an hour and then read the following questions and answers, this may help you to crack the interview.
What is Sitescope?
Sitescope is an agent less monitoring tool to monitor availability and performance of different servers and applications. For more read this article.
What is the default port number of Sitescope?
SiteScope default port number is 8080 or 80.
Can you tell me how to configure Unix operating system in Sitescope?
Can you tell me how to configure Windows Operating System in Sitescope?
Can you tell me how to configure alerts in Sitescope?
How do you install the license in SiteScope?
How many points of license is required to monitor CPU in Linux system?
What are the monitors you have monitored with Sitescope?
You can say different operating system resources CPU, Memory, Network and different application servers Weblogic, Websphere and database servers Oracle, My SQL etc.
What are the different monitoring tools that you know other than SiteScope?
You can say some tools like DynaTrace, AppDynamics, and HP Wily Introscope etc.